Watercroft Norfolk Terriers
Welcome to my world of Norfolk Terriers, my name is Ruth Gee, I first acquired a Norfolk terrier back in 1991 after falling in love with a little brown hairy dog belonging to a client. It was love at first sight.
Maise my first pet was a wonderful little Norfolk who I enjoyed so much I decided to breed with her.
In 1992 I was very fortunate to meet Cathy Thompson-Morgan of the Belleville Kennels, she happened to be walking her dogs through the farm! We became very good friends, and then with the help of Cathy and Lesley Crawley (Ragus) and Diane Jenkins (Kinsridge)I began studying pedigree’s and with careful planning and the use of quality stud dogs I have bred some lovely Norfolks, including Another Voyage who took the RCC to Am Ch / Ch Cracknor Cause Celebre who was BIS at Crufts in 2005. And in 2019 & 2020 I bred my own Crufts BOB Ch Watercroft Pink Fizz, my Ch Watercroft Calling Time was RDCC, won the Terrier Group at Richmond in 2019 thank you Mr Moray Armstrong what an honour. I have been Top Norfolk Breeder for the last 5yrs having Top Norfolk, Top Puppy, Top Brood Bitch. The last 31years has been the most memorable journey what amazing little people they are, I am so fortunate to have found my darling Maise, from little acorns truly blessed.
My main aim is to breed happy healthy puppies with great Temperaments who make wonderful family pets and hopefully will make their mark in the show ring. I believe puppies should be reared in the house with the family as this is very important for them to become well socialised meeting with everyone that visits so they soon become well adjusted Norfolks. I am always willing to help and give advice with any aspect of puppies even if you haven't had a Watercroft puppy or older dogs be it as a pet or for the show ring however long you have had a Norfolk.
I joined the Norfolk Terrier Club many years ago and attended the club shows whenever possible. As my involvement in SJ ponies was coming to an end I started to get more involved the showing of my Dogs I registered the Affix" Watercroft "in 2005 and with help from numerous lovely people in the Norfolk World I have had a wonderful few years going from strength to strength.
I have been for a number of years a committee member of the Midland counties Norfolk Terrier Association & now Secretary, I'm a committee member of the Norfolk Terrier Club of GB. I have recently in the last couple of years started to judge at breed, I am currently on the A3 list of both the NTC and MCNTA. Please have a browse through the next few pages and any help or information I can give please don't hesitate to contact me, thank you.